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How To Sustain Your Positive Mindset

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

By now, you know that Getting Unstuck requires a positive mindset and gratitude to shift your mindset positively. However, maintaining a positive attitude can be challenging when life gets complicated.

On your journey to evolving to the next level, it's vital to maintain your positive mindset even when you don't feel like it. There is often a distance between where you are and where you are striving to take your life. It can be painful to see the next step but not know how to take it. You can feel stuck and start to doubt your abilities if your progress is not at the pace you set. Perfection can lead to imposter syndrome if you compare what you achieve to anyone else.

The difference between high performers who become the best in their field and those who fail to advance is that those rockstars have an unprecedented drive to make their vision a reality. They refuse to get up, overcoming injury, loss, devastation, natural disasters, and more. If you ever want to be inspired, listen to the stories of the athletes in the Olympics and imagine the drive and time it takes even to make it to the competition; even then, they face illness, fatigue, injury, or worse. How do they perform when all of their hard work is on the line, and they still have a one in ten chance (or less) of getting the gold medal?

When you know what you want, the next step is harnessing your discipline to learn new skills and address your weaknesses. If you can see the value in controlling your mind, you will achieve your destined success.

Try these techniques to elevate your mood and focus on the inner peace you deserve:

1. Make today great; start with something good. Each morning is a chance to start your day on the right foot. Don't wake up telling yourself everything negative that can happen today. Instead, set your mind to experience seeing the best in the world by seeing something positive first thing in the morning. Perhaps it's setting your vision board, plant, or a beautiful photo by your bed, so you see it when you first wake up. You can adjust your routine as slightly as avoiding screens and instead enjoying your morning coffee in peace while you savor the sunrise.

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