Meredith Leigh Moore

Jan 18, 20226 min

New Year Resolutions and Achieving Your Goals

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

Whether you are an entrepreneur, top executive, small business owner, or a college student, annual goals will motivate you to achieve your vision for your life. If you feel stuck in a slump and struggle to make progress, adopt the TRIBE method. It will help you get unstuck and conquer everything that is holding you back from achieving your full potential. This year commit to developing a growth mindset to overcome imposter syndrome and build your time management skills.

What Is The TRIBE Method?

The TRIBE method involves breaking down your goals into daily action steps, and it is the belief that each small step matters.

Every bit of Time can either be utilized or wasted.

Every Resource you encounter can be added to your toolbox.

Every Innovation you make can serve as a stepping stone for unlocking your full potential.

Every Belief you honor elevates others.

Every moment of Evolution contributes to your legacy.

The TRIBE method starts with reflecting and meditating on all aspects of your life. Try the following 12 ways to get unstuck and gain more clarity: whether you are stuck professionally or personally.

12 Ways to Get Unstuck:

Accomplish Goals and Crush New Year Resolutions

1. Start a Journal

The first thing you need to do to crush all your New Year resolutions is to write them down in a journal. Writing in a journal offers a much-needed emotional release. It is pivotal that you find a journal you like. You could even get one that has quotes to inspire you. However, you should use one that is simple.

The principles of the TRIBE methodology require you to focus on small tasks. Start writing your New Year goals on a blank page and be truly present as you write each goal down. Each quarter breaks down each goal into monthly, weekly, and even daily tasks. Identifying and completing the smaller steps will allow you to stay motivated. Otherwise, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up. You also have to believe that everything you write down will be achieved.

5-minute journal here for affirmations, quarterly planning, weekly wins, and daily prompts to help you notice your progress!

2. Forget About Perfection

The next thing you need to do is stop trying to be perfect. When you are in a rut, the last thing you need to do is make things harder for yourself by setting impossible standards for your success. Shift your mindset to help you view failure as necessary for achieving greatness.

Once you let go of perfection, you will allow yourself to be innovative and focus on things that excite you. By focusing on your progress, you’ll begin to build up the confidence to pursue your dreams head-on.

3. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Another great way to get unstuck is by stepping out of your comfort zone. You need to believe in yourself and let go of things holding you back. Let go of the belief that you cannot do something and allow yourself to move with the rhythm of life. It will pave the way for your evolution.

Although stepping out of your comfort zone is not easy, it is worth it. Think of one goal that seems too big, too ambitious, and maybe even a little scary. Perhaps you’ve been avoiding media attention or speaking publicly. Consider adding one big goal to your New Year's resolutions. By conquering things that make you uncomfortable, you allow yourself to overcome what’s holding you back.

4. Challenge Yourself

The New Year is all about challenging yourself. This year decide to get out of your comfort zone. Consider all of the things that you accomplished in 2021. Now, what will you master in 2022? Your time management skills might be lacking, or your social skills might be holding you back from asking for a promotion or raise. Maybe you’ve enjoyed traveling internationally, and now you are ready to learn a new language. How will you challenge yourself this year? Create a list of things you want to be better at and identify how you can dedicate time to increasing your competency.

5. Get More Active

A healthy mind and body are necessary for achieving your full potential. What’s your plan to be more active? Make it a habit to walk more, jog more, swim more, or hit the gym more. It will be easier to create the life you want when healthy. Are you doing everything you can for your health and wellbeing? Consider a new physical activity to your New Year's resolutions, such as yoga or swimming, to transform your mind and body.

6. Be Positive

A great way to get unstuck and achieve more in life is by setting positive intentions. Let good things enter your life by accepting that you deserve only the best. Positivity is a state of mind that you can achieve by affirming yourself daily. Make time to state your situation in a positive way to help you release negativity and reframe how you view your life. Maintaining an optimistic outlook is essential for embracing the TRIBE method. Limiting negative thoughts and replacing them with uplifting affirmations will help inspire you to continue taking the necessary steps to achieve your vision.

7. Meditate

You are always worth your time. Whether you are a busy parent, over-scheduled executive, or if you struggle with procrastination, making time to meditate will help you get control of your time. You create the space to quiet your mind and foster a deeper belief in yourself by meditating. Your evolution starts within. Even if it’s only a few minutes, adding daily meditation to your New Year resolutions will open up a world full of possibilities. Taking the time to meditate will get you closer to reaching your goals and noticing your progress.

8. Read Motivational Books

Reading motivational books can be life-changing. Stories of overcoming challenges will remind you that you can achieve your goals. A good speech can help you see the potential to have a positive impact on the world. By making time to read motivational books, you get to develop new tools to boost your confidence and strategies to deal with difficult situations. The best thing about reading motivational books is that they can give you the energy to take action. Learning from the experience of others can help you regain your faith, recognize that you are not alone, and understand that failure is a stepping stone to success.

9. Create a Self-Care Ritual and Stick to It

A self-care ritual is mandatory. It can be challenging to feel like you are thriving with everything happening in the world. Now more than ever, your health is your wealth. As you begin your journey to getting unstuck, you need to consistently support yourself, starting with an energizing daily routine for self-care.

Self-care doesn’t just mean treating yourself to the occasional spa visit or vacation. To be effective, you need to relax and focus on yourself daily. Even something as simple as walking in the community park, taking a long bath, or having a hot cup of coffee in silence can have a huge impact. You are worth your time. This year, give yourself the grace to explore what works for you and allow you to reconnect with yourself.

10. Embrace Learning

To take advantage of growth resources, you need to embrace learning. The good news is that knowledge has become easier than ever before. Education opens new opportunities that you might have not even thought about and enables you to reinvent yourself. It is only a matter of time until you get out of a slump and lead a life that you find truly fulfilling. Prepare yourself to take on new roles and apply to your dream job by enrolling in career-focused classes. If you are an entrepreneur, consider what valuable skills will help you manage your business better.

11. Connect with Nature

To stay grounded, you need to connect with nature. Take time out to head to the nearest park or get outside the city. Research says that even looking at the sky for minutes will increase your optimism. When you make time to get outside, you get to embrace the TRIBE methodology by taking control of your time and exploring a free resource, nature. Incorporating quiet time in nature will help you restructure your life and focus on your priorities. Looking at the sky, ocean, or a big tree will remind you that we often get stuck on little things that don’t matter in light of the big picture. When you are constantly working or studying for exams, you can lose sight of the basics of life. Reward yourself by stepping away from the screens and spending time outside.

12. Forgive Yourself

Often, we are the ones holding ourselves back. If you want the TRIBE methodology to help unblock your full potential, you must forgive yourself. Every day we learn new things that help us improve and evolve. It’s easy to beat yourself up for what you didn’t know yesterday. Forgiving yourself and shifting your mind to celebrate your progress will strengthen your relationship with yourself and help you see the lesson in each of your mistakes.


You have 12 new steps to help you put The TRIBE method to use and conquer this year!


Every bit of Time can either be utilized or wasted.

Every Resource you encounter can be added to your toolbox.

Every Innovation you make can serve as a stepping stone for unlocking your full potential.

Every Belief you honor elevates others.

Every moment of Evolution contributes to your legacy.

Live Your Best Life

By understanding the TRIBE Methodology and embracing it, you can get unstuck, accomplish your goals, and make your dreams a reality. We are here to help you every step of the way with our books, courses, and classes.